Gioya Tuma-Waku’s
Pink Lemonade
Directed by Gioya Tuma-Waku, Pink Lemonade is a romantic drama that delves into themes of loss, and the strain love can be put under when dealing with hardship. The film, through a series of flashbacks, tells the story of a man, a woman, their relationship, and how it unravels due to an unforeseen tragedy.
I provided the musical score for this production, and when writing it, there were a series of elements that I aimed to properly balance. There are long moments throughout the movie where I specifically intended for silence, with individual cues and their placement meant to mark poignant points: each one building tension higher and higher until it reaches a fever pitch, with it culminating in ‘The Confrontation.’
This piece also encapsulates the overall tone and texture I worked within for the project: piano, cello, percussion, and synthetic drones are layered throughout the entire run of the soundtrack. Given the limited length of the material, it’s overall monothematical, with the idea being that every instance of music should be a development or progression of the motif.